Cellulite – The Reality.
Clients have asked me many times how they can get rid of their cellulite or what exercises they can do to make it go away. I thought I’d sit down and answer the age-old question: can anyone get cellulite and can we get rid of it?
In this blog I'll explain exactly what cellulite is, how we get it, and why there's such a big fuss about it. The last thing I want is for you to spend hundreds of pounds/dollars on treatments that aren’t worth your money.
So what is it?
Cellulite is the dimpled-looking skin that normally occurs in the thigh/hip region. It occurs when the fatty tissue in the skin pushes against the connective tissue.
Who gets it?
Anyone can experience cellulite however it is more common in women.
80-90% of women will experience some level of cellulite in their lives. There are a couple of reasons for this:
- Fat distribution. As women, we naturally have a higher fat mass than men, and it's usually focussed on our thigh and hip region where we have more active muscles (we use our quads and glutes constantly). These muscles then push the fat through the connective tissues. The fat distribution in men tends to be centred around their abdomen – and we aren’t tensing our abs all day every day!
- In women, the fat cells and connective tissues are arranged vertically and the tissues are thinner. This means it's easier for the fat to be pushed to the surface. Men have thicker connective tissues that are arranged in more of a criss-cross fashion so the fat has a harder time getting through.
Genetics and hormones play a role in how much cellulite you might experience, however it is NORMAL. Unfortunately, the media airbrushes out the cellulite on models so when we compare ourselves to them, we’re abnormal. But that just isn’t the case. It is once again a showcase of something that is unrealistic and mostly unattainable.
To clarify, it’s not dangerous.
It’s not weird.
It’s not unattractive.
Can I get rid of it?
So, can anyone get cellulite and can we get rid of it?
Yes, everyone can experience it, but it's less likely in men.
No, there is no magical ‘cure’ for cellulite – because it doesn’t need to be cured!
There is no scientific evidence that any treatment will work long-term. Shortlived results have been known, but I can promise you after that time is up it’ll come right back. You may be able to reduce it to a certain extent by decreasing your overall fat mass and strengthening your muscles, but past that it's not something I would pay any mind to.
It is a normal occurrence that we’ve been made to think that cellulite is bad or wrong. This is purely a marketing strategy for companies to make more money. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
Own it.
You’re beautiful as is.
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body confidence, cellulite, fat loss, female fat loss, inspiration, media, motivation, self confidence, self love, weight loss, women