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Tag: motivation

Cellulite – The Reality.

Clients have asked me many times how they can get rid of their cellulite or what exercises they can do to make it go away. I thought I’d sit down and answer the age-old question: can anyone get cellulite and can we get rid of it? In this blog I'll explain exactly what cellulite is, how we get it, and why there's such a big fuss about it. The last thing I want is for you to spend hundreds of pounds/dollars on treatments that aren’t worth your money. So what is it? Cellulite is the...

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Carbs Are Not The Devil

There’s this very common misconception that carbs are the sole thing to blame for fat gain and should be avoided at all costs when starting on your fitness journey.THIS IS A LIE.It’s false, plain and simple. Carbohydrates, fat and protein are your three macro nutrients. Each contain different nutrients that do different jobs to ensure your body is working as well as possible.Before I go any further I’m just going to touch on calories quickly, so that my explanation of why carbs aren’t inherently...

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